2 Days to"Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Before, that - here you are falling asleep on your way to the cafe. Now, back to my reporting...according to Mamala, you, Ate Ritchell and her went to GAISANO CITY to do a little bit of grocery. You wouldn't stay put so she bargained with you that a good girl would earn a ticket to JOLLIBEE. Of course, spoiled by all means, good or bad girl, you went to Jollibee anyway. You eagerly reported this to Papalo when you got back to Carmen, saying "Lolo ee-bee". Mamala also says that when you passed by the Cathedral, you saw a plump lady in short pants whom you mistook for me, calling at her with "Mommy!" Then at Carmen, when they were folding clothes from the laundry, you joined them, spotted those that were yours, got them and smelled them with a pleasant reaction for what scent you thought of saying "Hmmm oh-shoon". Mamala understand the second word to be "lotion" thus we deduce that anything that smells good to you is caused by it. Heheh xD
So, yes Nahnang stays with us! You were, as rarely the case, happy to see her in the cafe where she proceeded from Kauswagan. You both enjoyed watching Disney's "Everybody wants to be a Cat" and "We are Siamese" over and again. That was true for you because you demanded for us to repeat the video as soon as it was done.
I am so thankful, as she is reading this, for Ninang Jeng who volunteered to proof read our entries. It's a task, to be typing words after entry after another and to have someone as another eye, is the biggest help I could get right now. So I thank Ninang Jeng. She has
JAMantic of the Day:
As you were the whole day, so were you at dinner, greatly mobile and to that you get two bumps on your head. We were engaged in a discussion about you, Mamala, Nahnang and I when we heard you cry, twice! Thankfully, the "si-keen" (chicken) helped becalm you. You were back to your antics, jumping as your kitten was about the place.
Your MAYmah,

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