DAY 304: September 7th, 2010; TUESDAY
Dear Jam,
You're 20 months now and growing. So yes, Daddy and I measured you up against the wall. However, we have no idea how we would know what that really means in meters or feet because we don't have a measuring tape. But anyway, we did it and I'm going to keep on doing it every 7th of the month. It's also Nohnong Poloy's birthday today! SO happy birthday to the both of you! We had carbonara and ice cream. The ice cream really got you hyped after
spoonfuls and spoonfuls after another. You were just screaming and screaming and running and going about. You were so hyped that when you saw our petling Meemeen in our PET SOCIETY, you screamed, wriggled and said "meoweeyeoweeeyeow". You were so funny doing that and even earlier at home with the "hair roach". It is so called because you hate roaches, like your Daddy and then here's something that I do with my falling hair, I roll them up in neat little bunches so they would be easier to dispose of. Not knowing it's effect on you, I threw a piece on the floor, you had the impression that it was a cockroach
and with the wind from the electric fan blowing it, you actually thought it was moving towards you. You were so funny pointing at it saying"hala hala". Daddy and I had the idea to discipline you using the "hair roach" from now on, just to keep you put. And that's a neat trick I learned from my grandmother, Nanay Tating, how she rolls up those salt-and-pepper colored locks into tiny balls ,leaving
it for the wind to carry. I miss her. *sigh* You and I are both lucky to have met and encountered our grandparents. As for you, being the apple of everyone's eyes, you just got so spoiled! Like today, Mamala didn't forget to give you your own gift, a new set of comfty jammies. You looked so cute in it, Daddy and I agree.
JAMantic of the Day:
You have this little scratch on your knee, which I really don't know how it came to be. I think you do because you pointed it to me and said "hala ara yayay" meaning "oh here's the wound" or something like that. Hehehe ;)
Your MAYmah,

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