Dear Jam,
I woke up very (very) early today to do the laundry. Knowing that I have to contest with a whole town for the water, I woke up at 5:30 AM so the water would flow faster into the washing machine. Thank God I just made it before lunch time. Daddy was up early, too. He went to Carmen to play basketball with Nohnong. *sigh* I've never seen him play, I wish one day I could just watch him in a basketball league!
It was a laid back day for us. You and I stayed home had an early bike ride and had a video marathon where I discovered your new vocabulary antics for the day. One would be the "hay" sigh that you mimicked from Hello Kitty whenever she does it. You also repeated after the videos saying "bud" for bug and "piedet" for spider. I'll just keep playing these videos and soon you'll be hitting those nails home! :D
As we turned in, we had a late night karaoke, which lulled you to sleep.
JAMantic of the Day:
2. You have this black stuffed cat with a huge head but it was a small detail on its but that you noticed and pointed saying "ara yayay meemeen", which means "here is this cat's injury".
Your MAYmah,

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