Thursday, September 30, 2010

DAY 308: September 3rd, 2010; FRIDAY

Dear Jam,

And so laundry day continues!
You were mommy's little helper again today, putting the clothes on the line. It's also good to be out and about in a weather like this, "unforgivingly" hot and humid. So that after hanging the clothes up, we lingered outside for a dry picnic where you finished a bottle of milk under the canopy of grapevine. I left you in the chair after that because I had to handwash Daddy's towel and your Hello Kitty bag. I didn't know that with the heat beating against us, the water running freely from the hose with that whizzing sound, was inviting to you. You kept calling on me "MAMA BABAT!" I indulge your request and allowed you a couple of minutes in your tub while I was finishing the wash.

At breakfast, you had a funny discovery with your appetite for greens. We had ampalaya (sauteed bitter gord) and rice while you had sunny side up. But as you are wont to grab visually palatable dishes, you went ahead and grabbed a chunk of a slice and dunked the whole think into your mouth. Now, it isn't called "bitter" for nothing you know. ;) Daddy and I laughed at how your face changed from curiosity to "bitter" shock. We're not forcing you to like it though, especially one as I who isn't so fond of it either.

It's PART TWO of your orientation to MAKE-UP after your prodding of "Mama me!" when you saw me putting lipstick on. I made a swilling action around your lips as if applying rogue on it and you seemed contented, even putting your lips together before a little pucker. Then I gave you my spare unused brush to practice the brushing strokes I taught you. Just to settle your curiosity, that's all!

We stopped by Kauswagan today to get a couple of things. While you on the other hand, left a beautiful mess for Mamilou and Nahnang to find as evidence of your visit. ;)

JAMantic of the Day:
You surprised me, pleasantly, when we were in the shower. You hid your face and coming out from it, you said "boo!" and it's cute because you just saw that earlier today in Brainy Babies' PEEK-A-BOO video. :D

Your MAYmah,

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