Friday, September 10, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

July 28, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I am glad that unlike the two previous days, we didn't wake up to power loss today. It usually happens at 4 AM and lasts for about 30 minutes or so. I just have to admit that in the lack of light, I have...for a "lack" of better words - hurt you. The first time I woke up to the blackout, I didn't panic but on the second day, I don't know maybe it was the half-and-half state of stupor and alarm. I just heard your shrill plea and until I found my cellphone for light did it register in my mind that the weight of my elbow was crushing your precious little hand. I'm sorry. I really am. I know it's an accident but I just couldn't help blaming myself for what imposing threat it may cause on your developing bones. My heart would break every opportunity I see your hand, so I just kiss it. The second incident involved the cellphone but you did that to yourself when you pulled the safety leash from the top shelf as I was carrying you. It fell on your delicate shoulder. It must have hurt because your skin went red. Well, you're growing up, I guess I have to be prepared for more. On a good note, you've been noisier than ever and that is a good sign! :D

Love, Mamimeow
(Jam at 6 months and 21 days)

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