Monday, September 20, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 17, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

Mommy's kinda sleepy but my brain won't let me sleep because it is full of ideas. You have to know I'm workaholic and if I stop, my brain lags and I cease to learn - I forget what I'm supposed to be doing. I guess that's what they mean about "needs for continued learning"! People with ADHD-like behavior, as I am.

Anyway, I won't have classes tomorrow so we'll have more time to bond. Although today you were much too tearful and sleepy to play with me when I arrived. You were begging me to get you for feeding and sleep. It's one of the sweetest things you do, that's why when I'm away, I always have a reason to miss you.

We went to Carmen yesterday in a surprise! That's because we didn't tell them what time we'll arrive. Anyway, Mamala gave you this golden anklet which she acquired from an old neighbor who begged her to buy it so they can buy their rice. Aww*** That's a sad story but then you were such a joy yesterday.

Love, Mamimeow


  1. sooo sweet...made me cry on the last part...your mom is blessed! when i have my baby ill do this on the 1st day...i hope you and the rest of the gang is there for you!

  2. Hi beh! I'm so happy to see you dropped by :D

    Yes! WE WILL BE THERE FOR YOU ;) Even in spirit friend. *HUG*
