Friday, September 17, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 10, 2009
Dear Baby Kitten,

We're both tired! But you just fell asleep after struggling to fight off the heat that just wouldn't lend the drowse. This temperature seems to be irritating you.

So yes, Mommy was a lecturer today for a couple of teens from different high schools. I just have to say that it's unfortunate to see how bad English has become in remote areas and worse is when they come up so confidently speaking with poor grammar to an audience of critical ears - especially those kids studying in the city who laugh at every opportunity of a mistake. And these city kids think they know and sound better than the kids from the distant barangays. I really don't care much for their mistakes or the overflowing confidence, in fact I had hoped inwardly that I could teach them better. I knew I had to do something somehow. Later on, I asked them to mingle ; they liked it. And *sigh* it's heart-warming when the group from Sta. Ana Tagoloan High School gave me a standing ovation when I received my plaque of appreciation.

I'm also happy (aside from the fact that everybody doting on you) Tito Reuland gave not only Mommy but you a gift as well. He gave me an inspirational book entitled "Encouraging Words for a Woman" and yours was an orange comforter wrapped around a stuffed tiger. Thanks to him and to World Vision for the wonderful experience.

Love, Mamimeow

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