Friday, September 17, 2010

DAY 329: August 12th, 2010

Dear Jam,

I got ticked off by insensitive people in the jeep early this afternoon. I am talking about how inconsiderate they are to have no idea whatsoever about public etiquette. When I was in High School, we were taught to always give a seat or at least politely give way for senior citizens, a person carrying a child, and women. Now I count as two,being a woman with a child - and a very big bag to top it all. Instead of moving towards the end of the jeep so we can be given space right near the doorway, they just keep squeezing themselves the opposite way, so we have to walk towards the end in a sort of acrobatic act. Worse was, even if there was so much space, they wouldn't sit down properly. Now, had that been me alone, I really won't have a care. I understand how there are days when humanity could get lazy that even to lift a finger took so much effort. But then, you were there and I wouldn't want to risk toppling over with you when the jeep moved. So I had to put my feet down, for the first time in public and told EVERYONE - note, EVERYONE off! I said (in Visayan) "Can you all please sit properly so I can have room. I'm carrying a child and it's really difficult. Had I been alone I wouldn't complain." I got my point thru and I got their attention so much so to the point that they've seen the beauty that was you. They "Hi'd and Hello'd" you and commented on how cute and lovely you were. Thankfully, that distracted my dark mood.

We followed a normal schedule today as your Auntie Sher and Uncle Shane decided to take a break from family and enjoy a part of the honeymoon, which was supposedly this trip. They attempted to visit the cafe after strolling Limketkai but then they bailed out because your Uncle Shane's stomach was going funny on him. Tomorrow will be another day with them then.

What's wonderful about staying longer with you is that I got to observe your progress, which all happened today! These are mostly speech development.

First, today when I opened the ki
tchen door, you said "NAMNAM" to mean you are hungry. Although you've learned to say the word a couple of days ago, it wasn't until today that you associated it to the kitchen and cooking. But sweeter than that is your wake up tactic and that is to tell your Daddy and I that you are awake. You gave us each one wet good morning kiss with the tasty sound effect. Daddy and I just had to wake up beautifully so breakfast had to be made. Second, when you heard the owner's grandson cry, you said "Nah, nah, nah! Aba!" (Aba = Saba = Quiet) then you would imitate the baby's cry. Third was when you heard their dogs bark by our window and you said "Awa!" (Awa = Hawa = Go Away!) that your Daddy and I stared at you and laughed. Daddy said that you've been picking up from us quite well. You now say "edbesh" with the gesture of brushing your own teeth and when you put on your hooded Hello Kitty towel, you told us, "Tatap Miming" (Jamjam is a Kitten). These are all wonderful and that's what you are!

JAMantic of the Day:
You wanted to take your PJ's off but I was too preoccupied with chores that when I turned my head, I found your attempt to take it off on your own.

Your MAYmah,

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