Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 1, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

It's 0835 Hrs on the 1st day of August and today, I have decided to make peace with my family - I was gonna say enemies but sometimes you know, there's a thin line between either. But I take upon myself your Tita Sher's advice that "You know better." and I know that the best weapon to get rid of an enemy is kindness because eventually they become your friend.

I also kinda feel bad because I learned yesterday, when I went to TESDA, that my certification as a Draftswoman expired in 2004 - so that means what? And the unfortunate part is that they have phased out the assessments so I could not renew my certification.

Anyway, you'rea big girl now. Five months more and you'll be one year old. Isn't that fast? You're so heavy now, I don't even know how much you weigh...AND you know how to identify toy parts and know the difference if they're still in your hands or you'd drop them.

Love, Mamimeow

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