Thursday, September 16, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 7, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

You're a big girl now!

It's a precious moment as I am recalling what happened two years ago when Daddy and I were just starting. It was July 5th, 2007 when he called from Alabama; he had managed to find a phone booth in a lonely highway where he proposed to me. He asked me if it was okay with me if we started a family. I had thought to be speechless but I didn't take long to think and gave him my "yes". It could only mean that we've planned this two years ago. Memories like that always give me the warm fuzzy feeling.

But let's talk about today.

We went to see Tito Doc today. He was happy to note that you've grown so much, that you're so observant for your age and beautiful as your genes have predetermined. I guess everyone else agrees because the Mommy outside (with her husband and two daughters) were talking to Mamilou about the same thing. Yes, Mamilou was with us today. And guess what? You're 8.3 kls already and 73 cm, which are almost the average height and weight of a one-year-old baby ( 10kls, 75 cm). Tito Doc asked If I'd want to add more -say, have five more of you since I produced such beautiful offspring. I say, what?! Heheh! Anyway, we asked about your new vitamins which will be Cherifer for growth and supplmentation and Ped-Zinc, which has both Zinc and Vitamin-C. Then we went to SM to buy your potty trainer and floating, squeezy toys for bathtime. I'm excited for when you get to use it but we had to make the necessary sterilizations first.

Mommy feels good today baby!
An old friend from college, a colleague of mine from Capitol Chronicle now works for World Vision - it's a nonprofit organization that helps depressed communities and families. In 2007, I participated in their charitable works by "adopting" a child for me and Daddy, that was before we had you, though. So, this friend of mine, asked me if I could be a lecturer for a group of student leaders from different schools about hygiene and health. I am so happy, excited, and flattered so I said "yes!". It's a blessing in disguise - when I was younger, I thought that only important people get are asked to do lectures so that means I'm an important person now. Just when I thought the world has forgotten me. Well, the arrangement will be, you and Ate Jocel in a private room where we can chillax. In fact, we can stay overnight there if we wanted to! :D

Love, Mamimeow

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