Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 31, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

We are so happy with the recent progress of yours, to Ninang's discovery. She was so excited when she said "Atee, Jamjam know how to kiss after a command", which we attempted afterward and realized you really do know how to kiss now. I can't wait to tell Daddy. Everyday your vocabulary is expanding, too!

Last night, I took pictures of you as you were sleeping, now ever more mobile in bed. From lateral, you went prone, leaning on your crossed arms and then your face pops out for air in an attempt to lie on your side again but you were too sleepy so you ended up in this funny-cute-model-like pose, hand on the waist.

Your Lolo Longking visited, sending Ninang in the usual frenzy of errands. This time, it was to concoct a brew of Banana-Mang-pineapple shake. You enjoyed it immensely, thanks to Lolo Longking. :D

Love, Mamimeow

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