Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Milestone Journal '09; July 18th

Dear Baby Kitten,

I was gonna say nothing much happened but then I remembered how noisy you've been since Daddy left. I dunno - let's say you've been talkative and you've more syllables now and more noise variations. You've also discovered how to really cry when you want something.

There's this intelligent gesture that you have for sleeping time, which you've displayed since your fourth month and onwards. Ever since you've understood the "pik-pik" or that mild rhythmic beating over your legs is associated to a means of lulling to sleep, you've always demanded it. There was this time that I failed to tap your bumbum, you made this (quite uncontrolled owing to a developing motor skill) spanking action on your legs, which meant you were demanding it from me. It's just been a habit and if I ever forget to do it, you remind me with your gesture coupled with cute muttering sounds with your mouth full for breastfeeding.



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