Thursday, September 16, 2010

DAY 334: August 7th, 2010

Dear Jam,

It's our last night staying in Kauswagan. Daddy is here and tomorrow we will be moving to a place we can call our own. So making way for everything, you, your Nahnang and I went to set out the pad. It's just untimely that your Uncle Jerry and his family
(his sweet wife Auntie Mitchie and three lovely kids) came to visit as we were leaving. It's a rare occasion, having them over and what with Mamilou cooking spaghetti for the kids and Uncle Jerry fixing "kinilaw" for the big ones. So anyway, we had to leave but made sure to bring spaghetti with us. That plus the necessary stuff meant to maintain a superstition in moving to a new home. We brought salt, which is believed to keep evil spirits away, storage food, which will assure that our stores won't run out, same is true for rice. I went ahead to bring a container full with your powdered milk, two packs of diapers and wipes so we won't run out of those as well. What we DID run out of, forgot in fact, were utensils for eating spaghetti. But being "Girl Scouts" (aka Girls-who-are-always-prepared), we made do with a pack of soda crackers which we used to pick up the noodles. We had fun and that was the important thing. Having fun also meant rolling with the heatwaves, which made the pad really hot, you were sweating like a little piglet. The nearby store didn't have bottled water, another essential which we forgot, so I had no choice but to introduce you to your first taste of packed juice. It's not as healthy as I want for you but just this once. Besides, I needed something to assuage you because you were bawling so hard when you fell from the bed. I think you tripped on Nahnang's feet. I'm not sure, I was busy cleaning. But you're okay now and that matters most.

Like I said, Daddy is here. He just arrived from Manila this afternoon. I was going to surprise him, pretend that I wasn't going with Nohnong Yolop to fetch him but he caught the sound of uptown draft when he called me up. That was when we were on our way. I left you in the care of Mamala, as always and the cafe to Nahnang and Ate Mae Anne.

Well, last night, it feels sweet. Nahnang just had to ask us to
watch a movie with her in the room as a farewell gesture. Daddy and I couldn't hesitate, the title was TEKKEN, it's Nahnang's, Mommy's, and Daddy's favorite video game. I'm just a little disappointed how JIN, the main character looks so small and CHRISTIE, the character that I like wasn't as I expected. Anyway, the movie is done and tomorrow is a start of a new life! :D

Your MAYmah,

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