Thursday, September 9, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

July 23, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I am sorry if I haven't written and to think you've (technically) turned seven months already! But here I am anyways.

Daddy has subscribed to SMART's unlimited calls and whenever he has an opportunity, he's made sure to call us. He has also reported to the office and it looks like he'll be leaving on the eve of 25th to Hong Kong - New Zealand - Netherlands. His departure is necessary evil especially more so that we're running low on diaper supply.

But the real reason why I've been postponing my journal writing is due to my addiction on PICASA (thanks to Ninang Charissa's endorsement). It's a software that allows me to edit pictures as I always wanted. I'm making the necessary touches and retouches on my photofolio.

Albeit unable to write, I've always taken note of your progress. Especially with your speech, which I believe you're a bit advanced than expected. Now you can say "Mama ba-ba" which in Ivatan means you wanted to be carried. And you're even more mobile and curious as ever.

Love, Mamimeow.

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