Monday, September 20, 2010

DAY 324: Augusts 17th, 2010; TUESDAY

Dear Jam,

Two weeks worth of laundry! Whew! That was a lot of work. Not that it was done by hand because I've relied on the handy washing machine but because with you to take care of and without Daddy, I have more in my hand than washing. Daddy had to cover the morning shift because Nohnong Yolop had a relapse of the fever, who needed to take a rest and see a physician.

But even as my own schedule was hectic with all the chores and you all over the place, I had a wonderful time. You always find an effortless means to assuage exhaustion and stress. Especially when you secretly had a taste of my coffee. Thankfully, I had left it near cold so no, you didn't get burnt. I also noticed that you can follow instructions but I had to repeat it a couple of times though and point the objects, a couple days more and you will be able to distinguish objects alone. And somehow, you never seem to run out of curiosity as I found you sizing up my brazier close to your chest. xD

We went to the cafe early today and you were left in Papalo's care because Mamala went with Nohnong to see the doctor.

JAMantic(s) of the Day:
1. "Nah, tsk tsk tsk!" Like a grown-up, this was your reaction when you heard plates crash on the floor in a neighbor's house. It's like saying "Oh no! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" only, the way you said it, you were like an adult ready to scold the culprit.
2. Interview portion:
ME: Where Daddy?
JAM: (points Daddy)
ME: Where's Mommy?
JAM: (points Mommy)
ME: Where's the moon?
JAM: (points the ceiling)
ME: Where's the star?
JAM: (points HERSELF)
LOL! You really know you're a "STAR"

Your MAYmah,

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