Friday, September 24, 2010

DAY 316: August 25th, 2010; WEDNESDAY

Dear Jam,

You've made a lot of sense today with your baby talk. You've made a lot of words in fact to make sense out of ideas that once to us where incomprehensible. Slowly, your world and ours are becoming the same, anytime now you will be able to speak in sentences.

I think observing us has got a lot to do with this and your share of TV helps. So we made sure that you only get the best of TV education that's why Daddy and I put on
SESAME STREET. Actually, I was reprimanded. I wanted to watch VAMPIRE SUCKS but when it came to a part where there was more than kissing, Daddy told me to stop it. So I put SESAME STREET on for you to watch. It's a classic and from it, we've learned alphabet, colors and shapes at the same time appreciated the fluffiness of the characters. I bet you did too, Elmo's voice seem to mesmerize you. So do the live kittens who just came alive from a cat who gave birth to them in our attic.

Adding to my beauty queen dream for you, today you've known how to "pose" and "smile". Isn't that precious? :D

JAMantic of the Day:
1. Said "No, no, no beel" while shaking a finger at Daddy who was drinking soda. Daddy taught you that soda, coffee, iced tea, and liquor are all beer, he means they're all bad for you. So you meant that "No, no, no, you shouldn't be drinking beer".

2. After a couple of days learning from my instruction of "hands up" when I take your shirt off, before I even said it, you said "up" and put your hands up.

Your MAYmah,


  1. I should visit Jamjam more.hehehe Ninang is just very busy with work. I wish i can spend more time with you and Jam.^_^

  2. No worries Ninang, we'll catch up soon :D
