Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

It's almost 5AM and Mommy hasn't slept yet. I just finished encoding my class notes which I then had to e-mail to my classmates who were asking for it, then I lingered in the internet for a couple of course because I had to research for Uncle Longking's request and of course, to check my Facebook (Twitter and Multiply). Then I had to render a lettering on a classmate's certificate. I feel hyped because I slept longer than usual earlier to make up for the sleepless night, the other night, doing more notes.

Anyway, your growth is more apparent now. Just earlier, in the middle of my calligraphy, you woke up so I had to pick you up in my arms because you were asking me to carry you - only to find out how taller and heavier you are! I just had to squeeze you in tight! SMOTHER!!

This afternoon, I allowed you to crawl below the mattress -that's the floor, I mean. But you can only stay too long because you couldn't endure the hardness - that is, the floor. It was a new feeling for you. What was cute is that after going a couple of all-fours steps, you reached your arms out for want of me to pick you up!


Love, Mamimeow

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