Monday, September 13, 2010

DAY 341: July 31st, 2010

Dear Jam,

We went with Nahnang to hunt for APARTMENTS today. Although you proved to be a little difficult before we went out. Firstly, you got spanked for spitting your food on the floor like a spoiled brat. You misconstrued the little gesture to be a part of playing though so I didn't impose myself. Secondly, you insisted on what shoes to wear. You wriggled your feet when I tried to
put on your everyday DORA sandals and pointed the pair that you wanted to go with your attire. Of course I didn't scold you! You were showing early signs of following my steps in fashion sense, I couldn't be prouder!

So we went to check the apartments at
beautifully secluded RER subdivision, which were unfortunately all occupied. Now we have to wait for a contact we have to look at a PAD at RER Phase 1. It was just so exhausting; with the heat and then carrying the weight that you've recently (and thankfully) acquired in all that walking. I just had to
give myself some pampering and massaged my own poor feet and well, you were a pleasant deviation from all that. You've just learned how to whisper and we did that cute whispering of random syllables. It was fun and it's always when I have you.

Your MAYmah,

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