Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 19, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I just came home from my practical exam of hand-washing, vital -signs taking, and Chair Back Massage. I hope I did well, for though my instructor gave me a thumb up, that was still an objective comment and says nothing much. Daddy hasn't texted yet but I hope he's getting our messages and hopefully, his is okay.

I reviewed the previous entries and found out that I haven't told you your recent progress in response. It started Tuesday, the day after Mommy had the lecture; I was feeding you in the morning and you were shaking your head to mean that you don't want anymore. Mamala and Papalo even saw this vigorous and meaningful head-shake last Sunday when we visited them. Then just today you responded with an agreeing hum to questions we believe for you are okay as you mean "yes". Just earlier, you were starting to nod your head.

Love, Mamimeow

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