Monday, September 20, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 15, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

Today is the third (and more serious) day in massage school and girl, was I tired! We started with "Chair Back Massage" which I thought, based on my experience massaging Daddy, shouldn;t be so tough. But lo and behold! I was so exhausted and sleepy when I got home but I had to force myself to wake up because I needed to put you to sleep first. I really want to pass this training with flying colors and not only become nationally certified but be licensed as well!

Anyway, I really do hope we can join church tomorrow. Mamilou bought you this nice little pink anime dress and you look so adorable in it - now that you're bigger and brighter, smarter, I mean. We're starting to train you on your feet and when you're on the floor, Ate Jocel sings Lady Gaga's "Pokerface", you stomp your feet to it in your own beat. Spunk and Choco are now used to you and I bet respect the fact that next to Ate Yubii Kei, you're the new princess.

Daddy hasn't texted yet. I hope he's okay.

Love, Mamimeow

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