Monday, September 27, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 29, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I'm so happy because earlier today, Daddy called us via satellite phone. Unfortunately though, you've already drifted off to sleep when that happened. I was just lying down with you in our new position (a change of bed and room arrangement) and I was ready to dose off when your Nahnang handed me the phone. There really must be a connection between me and Daddy because when the phone rang, I just knew that it was him. I was positive and I turned out to be right.

Mommy is just so tired by the way because aside from rearranging the enourmous furniture in the bedroom, we also had a discussion and return demonstration on a full Body Swedish Massage. I had to be the masseur and late on the client - my body went on a relaxed mode but since I wasn't in the comfort of our own home, I had to force myself to stay awake and my butt up so I think I kinda strained some muscles here and there.

We went to Carmen also because it was Papalo's birthday dinner. I was surprised to find Mamala's text asking us to visit. That provided for some means for me to go to school while secure with the feeling that you were cared for by your paternal grandparents. :D

Love, Mamimeow

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