Saturday, September 25, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

August 27, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I'm running low on red ink but that's not the reason why I haven't been writing so I'm gonna say the usual line that Mommy has been busy lately - not only that, you've suddenly changed to a different sleeping schedule (8PM asleep, 3AM awake) which is a big defining factor. I've managed to subdue you at 6AM so I'm now, after 2 Hrs of lettering (or font-rendering) my classmate's TESDA certificate...on my the bathroom. Ahihihi! xD

Daddy hasn't texted yet but we've been keeping in touch. I do hope he's getting our messages, more so fine wherever he is.

I was down with tonsillitis and cold after we got home from our visit to your Ninang Mae's and Hazel's and I didn't feel better until yesterday. Ironically, I got it when I was drenched in rain and lost it the same way. But thank God, you didn't get any of the virus because I had to limit our time and intimacy for the while. We did go to Carmen and we brought your walker with us.

Ooh! You're almost eight months now! :D

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