Friday, September 3, 2010

DAY 363: July 9th, 2010

Today is a day of rest for Daddy. He asked to take a day off helping in the construction of the internet cafe so he could stay with us and then rest. It seems to me a very short day because nothing much happened but the long period of respite you and Daddy had. I whiled away in the internet as you were snoring in your lazy hammock, leaving Daddy alone in bed.

I just find it amusing for you to learn how to wrap your ow
n towel around your body ;) You are so cute concentrating on that dear thing. You insisted on taking after your Daddy's fashion of tying it around his waist when we had instructed you to tie it around your chest. Oh well, you're too young to know the difference anyway xD

And then after that, I went thru your stock of wardrobe given to you previously at your Christening party. Some of the clothes were too big for you then and we had stowed them away until you were big enough to fit in them.

After I wore one on you, I realized how tall you've grown since your baptism when once the clothes would just go further from your toes. How darling you look in the teddy bear-patched summer dress you wore. I just can't remember whose gift it was though. Whoever it is though, Jumbo and I thank you for the lovely choice :D


Entered: 090310

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