Thursday, September 16, 2010

DAY 333: August 8th, 2010

Dear Jam,

A new day, a new life!
I had to wake up early today because I
needed to cook carbonara to bring in to the new house. Yes, as a part of the superstition that noodles represent long life. The customary is pancit but I want to be modern, so. After I was done cooking, I made the final packing. Daddy went ahead to bring a couple of stuff and went to buy gas tank, burner, and a refillable jug of water.

It felt like a long day! But even as we were all tired, we had to accommodate our first sets if guest, as again, it was customary. I'd like to believe it as a kind of house warming. At lunch, Mamilou, Lolo and Nahnang came by with pancit,
lechon and soda. They hung out for a while, where Lolo noted that the house looked more like your little playhouse. It's a quaint place to be and I guess I agree with him. At dinner, Mamala, Papalo, your Nohnongs Van and Yolop, with Ate Mae Anne brought a big portion Sinigang. YUM! Your Auntie Sher and Uncle Shane, who were intent of not telling anyone else but me that they were visiting Philippines, also arrived from their honeymoon in Vietnam today. And as much as I wanted to see her and have them in our pad, their timing was bad. We were in the middle of unpacking and I couldn't think of ways to receive them amidst the clutter. Your Auntie Sher said that it was alright but for me, thinking about them all tired from the trip didn't want to hassle them with the absence of necessities. Maybe I was too tired to think straight too. So yes, I had to postpone my meeting with her even if I was eager to.

Well, first night, sleep tight.

JAMantic of the DAY:
"NAM-NAM" adjective; delicious, noun; food. You just said this today, out of the blue, when you felt a little hungry.

Your MAYmah,

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