Monday, October 18, 2010

Before Being: October 03, 2008

TO: The ANGEL in my Womb

We had a pleasant experience at mass today; it was presided by a speech-gifted priest in the person of Father Gil Escalante. He said that (seeing that he referred to last night) celebrating the Feast of the Holy Angels. His homily brought the essence of the Novena to Our Lady of Manaoag and the Feast of the Angels and the Archangels. He said that inasmuch that there is a need for angels, what we need most is a mother-figure. And then we prayed the "Angel of God" prayer together, which I will teach you as your grow up enough to truly understand what it means.

Later, we had lunch at Gloria Maris, which I am sad to day, disappointingly incomparable to the two previous restaurants. Oh well! It was free anyway and Father Gil's encounters as a tour guide to Jerusalem and Egypt kept us entertained.

I am presently at fault as I have not sent a text message to your Daddy. I hope he is alright.

FROM: Your - Mommy-in-Waiting

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