Monday, October 11, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

September 17, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

Your first two bottom front teeth finally popped out today! It was only yesterday that your Ate Jocel heard the glass make a "ting" sound when you drank water and then I felt something hard when I felt for it. But it was today that it officially came out to the waking dental world! Or whatever! HAHA! It's exciting and scary at the same time because there's that pleasurable pain when you breastfeed as if a sign that a couple weeks more, you'll be sinking those to my breasts. Also today, we took out the potty trainer early in the morning to you could "lose some weight" and with Ate Jocel's goading, you lost a couple of wet ones and broke sets of wind. xD

You're ever more eager to practice standing,walking and crawling since yesterday. I've taken all the necessary pictures so I can show Daddy and eventually, you, when you grow up. A lot of exciting things happened but I was too busy, what with my exam (which I topped) and graduation (where I got highest honor) but I managed take snapshots of you!

You're a big girl now, babycake!

Love, Mamimeow

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