Friday, October 29, 2010

DAY 258: October 23, 2010; SATURDAY

269 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"

Dear Jam,

Did I say yesterday was a hectic day? I stand corrected! TODAY is YOUR hectic day! Haha! You were just all over the place. I am speaking about your Godsister Gabby's 2nd Birthday, which you, Nahnang and I attended by the way.

Here you are putting "isteek" on because you wouldn't stop bothering Nahnang and I about it as we were putting makeup on. So I gave you that Buttermilk Lip balm I had in my bag, which you seem to take forever applying on your lip and eventually IN your mouth. You're growing up too fast! Just this morning you were like a little monster gobbing down the bits and pieces of soursop from Mamala. Like a baby, you enjoyed
watching TOY Story 3 with us, where we were quite delighted to notice that your big stuffed toys PIG and GIORGIO appear in. Pig looks like good old Hamm who has been in the two prequels and Giorgio looks like Lotso, the movie's antagonist - who smells of STRAWBERRIES!!! You liked the movie until, like Andy, you had to grow up suddenly, wearing a party dress with your knap sack, and your new "eyesh" - I mean, sunglasses.

Before the party, we dropped by Kauswagan to get a couple of stuff for the event I will be
hosting tomorrow. T
hat for you meant a visit to Mamilou and Lolo who were pleasantly shocked to see you wearing your new "eyesh". You had time enough to cuddle and spread your creative wings in Kauswagan. I didn't know what you were so occupied with, asking for a piece of paper and pen from me. I turned to where you were heading and found you seemingly composing for a keyboard piece.

So on to the "partay"!!! We rode the front passenger's seat, where
you felt regal and exclusive. It's not your first time but it surely is my first time to take a picture of you in the situation. This must be your fourth time to ride on this side of the public vehicle. As I was saying, you were everywhere! Nahnang and I agreed that it looked like it was YOUR of Gabby's uncles gave you a balloon,which you were quite unabashed to accept. We thought that and dancing around to every beat you heard was enough to use up your energy. But no! You had to terrorize this kid for play. Actually, that's how the child felt, crying when you chased her when in fact you were merely holding her with your firm embrace. You kept demanding for your red balloon, saying "Ball, Mama ball", which hopped from one kid's hand to another until it reached the birthday girl. You also demanded for "skeem" or that dirty ice cream your Nahnang and I practically grew up eating off the streets. You tried to pry Gabby's hotdog stick from her hand, threw off the birthday hat from your head and then learned to toot a tooter - all this spent your energy finally! On our way home, you fell asleep in the jeep.

There is only you and I now at home. Nahnang is back with Mamilou in
Kauswagan so we have all
the pad to ourselves and all my time and attention to you. When we got home, you wouldn't go back to sleep so I had to spend the quality time with you. We reviewed Cats and Dogs over a feast of loot bag candies and had our own laser light show!

JAMantic of the Day:
It is confirmed. You use sweet trill and prolonged term of "Moh-meee" to convey a more pleasant, more convincing, more heart-wrenching "please" because you use it on Nahnang and Mamilou, too. So, there! Haha!

Your MAYmah,

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