Thursday, October 21, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

October 13, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

Mommy was out today for a couple of hours to by a set of Black and White seamless for our bedroom-cum-studio. I am so excited to take pictures with these plan backgrounds! I also went out to look for a new notebook (sturdy one at that, like this, at least) that I can use to suffice for my journals to you, however, the one I bought at Php59 proved to be - how can I say it? Not durable. I forgot the correct prefix to mean "not" durable or another perfect antonym for durable. Mommy's brain is so fried! Hrrgghh!!

On the other hand, I bought you a pair of angel wings, which I take pride in for the sole reason of having the longstanding desire of buying one for you. It may cost Php209, which is too much fora child's toy or costume but I bought it knowing that you will be able to use it even as you grow up. And what is "Flores de Mayo", right? I hope Daddy doesn't mind - I bet he won't once he sees your picture wearing it. You look better now especially as Razeola is leaving you, everything seems to be coming back to normal. Including mood swings...?


Love, Mamimeow

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