Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I don't know if I should consider myself to be a responsible enough a mother but I wouldn't entirely take the credits of taking care of you today, what with this fever you have in your teething. I guess I'm also relying too much that breastmilk will lessen the instance for pain and I'd only administered Tempra via dropper to you once a day and hadn't Mamilou told me give the next after the every four hours, I wouldn't have thought of giving you anymore. I've just been worried because everytime I gave you Tempra, you spew it out to a point of vomiting even your food with it. This voids your stomach from previous feeding when in fact even feeding has been a challenge lately because of your present condition. And hadn't Ninang offered to give you a sponge pat, I wouldn't have thought of that too or maybe I didn't see it as an option because I know you hated towels getting on your face. But I also realized that it's not about disgorging your food or whining on wet towels but it's about you getting better, or at least feeling better. You're fast asleep but you're temperature is erratic; I hope things will be better tomorrow.

Love, Mamimeow

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