Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Before Being: September 21, 2008

TO: The ANGEL in my Womb

The wind is so strong tonight, it has taken my attention from sleep and so my insomnia persists. It hadn't started getting so wild until I finished reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" and when I was just about to dose off, it went on a frenzy. It started with an eerie sound on our neighbor's roof. It was as if somebody was walking on the rooftops. I thought it was an unwanted night predator in its haunt for pregnant women, more so as I heard the neighbor's dog stir the night with its mournful cry. Then the curtains in the bedroom made a full swing and I heard the door to your Uncle Raffy's room thud loudly against its frame. That's when I stood up for your Mamilou's aid. Knowing her, I know this kind of situation keep her up as well, so I guess I get it from her. Everyone else continue with forty more winks as Mamilou and I made the necessary preparations lest the power company shut off a power post for safety measures.

The wind has abated now though into a lazy rain shower and so we find solace in the thought that we can finally sneak into dreamland without the threats of reality.

FROM: Your Mommy-in-Waiting

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