Monday, October 18, 2010

DAY 278: October 3, 2010; SUNDAY

Dear Jam,

It's the FEAST OF OUR LADY OF MANAOAG, I am so happy that Daddy, you and I went out to attend the mass and the celebration. Here you are, early in the morning enjoying your breakfast of scrambled egg sandwich with that pinky up in the air! Hahah! You were watching your morning dose of Baby Einstein while I was preparing breakfast and my attempts of getting Daddy up from bed. I also took the time to approach the pad's owner to tell them if we can, due to Daddy's delayed assignment, use up part of the money we paid in advance. Thank God, the lady didn't need to hear me explain and said "Ok" like your Auntielou Ching would. To her "Okay" meant "Don't worry" and
that's a convenient thought. So mass was precious to me because it was our first since Daddy arrived and the last until Daddy will leave. It was also your first time to offer, on your own heels with minimal assistance from me. Thanks to Daddy for capturing the moment. Unfortunately though as you are wont to roam and as Daddy and I predicted, after 30 minutes, your obedience expired. It started with your little attempts to put on Nahnang's bag around your neck,and then pull out bits and pieces of Baby's breath blossoms from a bouquet. Soon you were difficult to restrain that Daddy and I had to take turns taking you for a walk. Daddy was successful to pacify you, watching the fishes at the back of the atrium.

After all the mobility and solemnity altogether, we had lunch at Gloria Maris where you delighted in the crispy skin of the lechon and the nata de coco from the salad. You wanted nothing more than the "Nanam" which you identified perfectly out of papaya, pineapple and shreds of coconut. You would say "Nono" and shake your head to the others until you see the crystal cube that was pure pleasure to your teeth and gums. When we had run out of ways to appease you, you climbed down your chair, pulled Mamilou's bag and said "Tah", goading us to leave. We eventually did.

We went home for an afternoon respite before waking up to Daddy's decision of taking a late night bike ride to DV Soria to buy DVD. We bought the titles your Daddy and I have been aching to watch - THE LAST AIRBENDER and THE SPY NEXT DOOR. We enjoyed it! The movies haven't been received very well actually and it's something I don't quite get. Oh well, as long as Daddy and I enjoyed it AND it kept you put in bed, it's okay. You were especially behaved then but for sleep when you kicked Daddy and me alternately. You were spanked lightly when you kicked us with quite a force on our backs. I guess you still wanted to play. I couldn't think of anything else. After the spank, you felt self-conscious and suddenly sleepy, asking for your HELLO KITTY blankie asking us "Asa Meemeen?" (Where's Kitty?).

JAMantic of the Day:
Picking up from our words at dinner, you made your own pronunciations:
VEGETABLES > sta-bols
BREAD > byed

Your MAYmah,

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