Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Before Being: September 14, 2008

TO: The ANGEL in my Womb

Your father and I spoke earlier today - he has gone through the letter we sent him and he wanted to let us know how thankful he was. It was a short talk, less than ten minutes, we said a lot but the line had gone off before I could even say goodbye. It's funny how sometimes here are pauses as if you don't know what to say next but by the time you're animatedly talking over each other, the time runs out. I'm sorry, I just miss your Daddy so much. He's a refreshing shower after what I've been through with other men.

It's your great-grandmother, Crisanta's birthday today. No wonder I had difficulty sleeping last night. I felt like someone was watching me. When I told your Grandmother, my mom about this, she said that it may have been Nanay Tating (Crisanta). Nanay was,as Mother Earth, nurturing and caring, a guardian to all, especially to mothers. Maybe she was checking in on me to see how far I was faring with my pregnancy.

I wish her a happy birthday.

FROM: Your Mother

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