Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Before Being: October 08, 2008 (2:24 AM)

TO: The ANGEL in my Womb

I am so excited to let you know that Ate Jocel and I accomplished our mission almost flawlessly. We bought you a crib! It has a nice puppy dog picture on it has a loud but harmonious combination of blue hues. Your Mamilou protested that "blue" is too masculine a color but I rebutted that "blue" is in actual fact a "feminine" color.

Later on when we completed the assemblage, we forgot that we even argued because the beautiful crib became of unisex motif anyway. Besides, we still don't know your gender, not until Saturday that is. Am I excited? I should be for if your Daddy is, all the more I, who has been with you all the time. :D

FROM: Your-Mommy-in-Waiting

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