Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,


You and your antics nowadays! Do you know that you're back with your head shakes to disagree with us? And you especially do it when we ask you to show us your teeth because you know you don't have any yet. You also know that the cellular phone we gave you doesn't work that whenever we ask you to say "Hello Daddy" you shake your head to tell us that we were just playing you. Then today as I was studying for my exams, pointing the parts of my open palm for the Reflexology points, you mimicked me even in front of Ate Jocel a couple of hours later. You were learning Massage Therapy, weren't you? That's so cute!

I don't know if I have mentioned that Mamala has been...uhm, feeling bad...? You'd much rather shower your Papalo with attention. You'd cry when she tries to take you from me or from Papalo. She said (jokingly) that she'd take away all the gifts she gave you. Well, I'd be hurt if I were in her place too had Daddy been here, I'm sure you'd favor his attention than mine.

I'm so happy love because after sleepless nights of studying, I got the highest examination score in our Institutional exams. So, it's only safe to say that I still got it! ;) Thank God!

Love, Mamimeow

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