Saturday, October 16, 2010

Strawberry-No-Jam 005

September 27, 2010

Dear Jam,

Thank God we didn't have lapses or faults today. We were a bit in our element even as the rain was beating wildly above our heads, we weren't fazed. There is nothing much to report about what happened around me but perhaps there's something more to tell with what is going on deep inside me.

I came here this year not only to devote time to the Novena, that would be lying to say that it's simply that for which motivates my attendance. I am also participating in something I believe could help assure qualms inside of me, one which is Daddy's and my relationship. There's nothing much to complain actually but being together, out of marriage is enough to shake my faith. I am simply scared of the consequences that draw themselves closer to us, as a family. Another one would be this anger, boiling up inside me for someone who used to be a friend. I say that because she hurt me, betrayed me. I'm not even sure if she is aware or not but things are simply not going to be the same between us anymore. I feel that since I have opened myself to her, she has had a sense of self-security that I wouldn't feel offended with what she does to me and Daddy. Anyway, I am praying for this - however it may be dealt with. I am praying to God to change her and to change me.

Love, Mayma

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