Wednesday, October 13, 2010

DAY 290: September 21st, 2010; TUESDAY

Dear Jam,

There is that early display of your intelligence today. I had to switch the light on because we had a gloomy weather at breakfast. When the light went on, you said "nice". I was fully awake by then when I heard your voice and that was a pleasant thought with which to motivate me while cooking breakfast. Here you are while waiting for food, watching TV as usual, addicted to Baby Einstein. There seems to be nothing else that could keep you put and well in one seat than Baby Einstein so I trust it best when I need to do some chores. You're stopping once in a while here in your attempts to put your shirt on while your eyes are glued to the colorful images on TV.

You've seemed to switch from Hello Kitty fandom to Baby Einstein addiction but that's okay because Daddy and I reckon the latter to be more informative. You've also managed to tell me, convince me about it. Yesterday I hummed the tune to ask you if that's what you wanted to watch when you replied with "eeh-ay-eeh-ay-oh". Today however, you were a lot eager and insistent that you pointed the DVD drawer and said "in here" perfectly after I hummed "Old McDonald". Well without the show on, you're all over the place. With that happening, you had another accident with the bed. You ran yourself towards it, thinking there had been that pillow protecting the hard part. So no, there was no pillow but there were "aaahh", tears and a bit of a red spot that sprung out from your forehead. But you were assuaged and everything else was better afterward. Mamala said that you've been as a little old lady with your plastic bag filled with your stuff. It's a little habit known of old women of...old. I remember my grandmothers do it, they would put all their trinkets in a plastic bag than in their own purse, or bag! Hahaha!

You and I have been ogling at the wonder that is surrounding the moon tonight. It's no more than a ring, which Daddy is au fait what with his travels where he sees the lot of the celestial bodies. It was my first time to see it and I shared it with you. It looks beautiful, I tell you! Even more beautiful that I was looking at it with you and Daddy around.

JAMantic of the Day:
1.When the Baby Einstein mania wore off, you wanted to have us change it to Hello Kitty. And how you prompted us? You said "Dada Up! Meemeen" and since you couldn't sway Daddy, you said "Mama up! Meemeen!" I think you convinced us anyhow.

2. You're just about almost ready to speak in full sentences. Today, you have known how to squeeze in the Visayan article "ang" in your sentence to say "Nah-na ang yayay". You were playing at bath time that either you or I is to be blamed for the "yayay" on your hand. But you didn't bemoan the pain! You were smart enough to think that washing it away with water would take the pain away, thus "No more pain" as you meant.

Your MAYmah,

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