Thursday, October 28, 2010

DAY 262: October 19, 2010; TUESDAY

3 Days to"Strawberry Jam" without "J"

Dear Jam,

Here you are, reading the love note Nahnang left for us when we got home. She went back to Kauswagan already after a night of sleepover. However, even that is quite temporary as Mamilou saw it fit for her to stay with us. So she'll be coming back tomorrow anyway, although her note was wrought with words as though we would not meet again. Haha!

Joking aside, it was our second day in the
morning shift. As was yesterday, I had to drop you off Carmen before proceeding to the cafe. Then as soon as my shift was done, you and Nohnong drove to Lapasan. You were a little angel according to him, you were behaved as a lady would be in the front passenger seat beside him. I saw you were strapped quite safely with the safety belt beside him and you didn't make a fuss about not having been left at the back seat, which Daddy oft placed you when you drove without me.

After work, we finally got inside Save More! We got to buy a couple
of important supplies. You worked your charms on the fruit stall attendant with your "popol" and "piya piya". We also met with Ninang Mae! Thankfully, as it was so timely that your Godsister Gabby is turning 2 years old this 23rd. She made sure to invite us and let me know that you are one beautiful angel. That was good until on our way home when we had been met by rain. We are cutting on reasons to spend so we had to take a jeep, besides, there was not a taxi in sight. I am grateful to the Good Samaritans that we happened to commute with. That bunch of what I initially thought were boisterous and noisome, boys, who helped us alight the jeep. I also thank those people we rode with in the motorcab, who complemented the lack of generosity coming from the driver whom I asked to take us a bit further. What is half a kilometer for a motorcab? But no, he blabbed about some insignificant alibi which I couldn't stand (or sit, actually) to listen to and argue with. The people helped us alight too; a man helped us with the grocery bags, a mother of a family of four assisted you and her husband opened his umbrella until we could open ours. Thank you so much, whoever you are.

We had a visitor in the cafe earlier and it was unfortunately without you when Ninang Jeng arrived with the gifts she's been keen to give you. She just seems to be delighted spoiling you with gifts, it's not even Christmas yet! And she knows what you like most! BOOKS! The instant I pulled the big one out of the bag, you wouldn't give me another minute to explain to you what it was or where it came from. You eagerly went to bed with it, opened it and instantly pointed "bode" (bird), "nee-nah" (dress, shirt), "aysh" (eyes), and "oh-vah" (oval).

Speaking of books, I feel a bit devastated and disappointed to hear from a CNN program that "books" in the physical form, will no longer be around after ten years. That's when it will have been replaced by e-books in PCs, laptops and Macs - AND that's YOUR generation, my love! It's a bit disconcerting because I consider books to be quite an heirloom, which we can pass on to your generation and the next.

You have been tinkering with our camera again. I was cooking dinner
and upon coming out of the kitchen, I was a bit horrified to see a flash of light about you. It was as I collected my wits, funny to realize that you had been clicking away again. Here is your best of the batch. It's an image that I am quite proud of for in my journeys with Tumblr, the vintage feeling of flowers and fabric have been fascinating a multitude. This is your take on it, acidentally! ;)

JAMantic of the Day:
You have just been fascinated by the word "house" and quite mutually, I have been amused how you say it as "hawsh". You kept repeating it and I gladly guided to point you to which ones were "houses" or not.

Your MAYmah,

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