Monday, October 11, 2010

DAY 294: September 17th, 2010; FRIDAY

Dear Jam,

Vanity aside, for I've a hugely vain personality but this picture is lovely for me. Why? Because you took it by yourself! Yes! My pride overflows into the beauty that is of being a mother. Now, this snapshot of me by you, is a keeper. It was blackout today from 930AM to noon so we had to lay out a blanket on the bermuda ala dry picnic. There we were with your milk bottle
and when you had your fill we had explored what meager discoveries there were in that little lawn. First, you had a hand on the camera. I was a bit worried you might drop it but I reckoned with myself that it was never too early to start a photography prodigy. HAHA. So anyway, I told you how to hold it and I told you were to push it and by my signal "PUSH", you clicked away. You remarkably came up with this. There's another one with my whole chin on the frame and another with more of my face than anything else. I did assist you a bit. I had to steady the camera so you can get a frame. Maybe next time, I'll let you alone with it...completely. ;)

Second, when all that has exhausted your fickle feet, otherwise satisfied your eager mind, you went over to the fence where you heard little-ish voices of girls. They showed their face from behind the fence and befriended you. You were such a primadonna saying "Hi" then "Bye" all in one minute as if you were driving them away.
That's how I interpret it though, so don't take it from me.

Waking up was interesting this morning. You were up first as usual but with a dash of theatrics. When we opened our eyes, Daddy and I saw you with an empty plastic Coke bottle, cradling it across your arm and then strumming the wider side as if it were a guitar. You were singing to us to cook your breakfast, I could only bet. ;)

So the good/bad twirly-wirly strikes back! The good twirly-wirly on your head was near obedient to your out-of-the-diaper-and-into-underpants training. But
our communication cross-over isn't clear yet. So even if Mamala and Papalo instructed you well and it was with your good intention to follow, it couldn't be helped, really. You were telling them in what may seem to adults an insignificant babble quite raptly. But as Papalo was taking the lot of the time deciphering the language, you were well on the way, peeing on the floor. It's hilarious and an experience for everyone! On the other hand, the bad twirly-wirly was, for a lack of better words, bad. You were at it with your dramatics! At the best of time!You wanted something. This time, you were more persistent to a point of crying over it like
a crocodile would. In short, to say, faking it. You dropped on the floor, slumped like you wouldn't want to be touched and cried "MAMAMAMA" while Daddy went on with his litany. We winked at each other knowing it was a passing craze. But then we knew that you were not to be dealt with lightly, being so intelligent as to win us with drama. Daddy said "You can't just get away with everything you want, you know." After that you were A.O.K.

What was new today?

It was your first time to have an asado bread;
that one with all the (hem hem pesky) bread dust that goes down to your throat where it sticks around long enough to irritate us with cough. Anyways, yes we dusted it off so don't worry!
You were also tinkering on that bike of yours like Daddy does on his bike. Hmmm...
Then we also let you try the cutesy green slippers we bought a couple of months ago. Unfortunately it wouldn't
fit but however as that was the case, you still wanted to wear it!
AND! You bit me...again! But this time, I let you! HAHA!

Oh there's a nice story that I'd like to share. While we were lazing
about in the bermuda, I was being a sneaky Maymah-razzi, taking pictures of the owner. Just so because I wanted to share how generous he is. He and his wife actually. In this picture, it shows how we was giving these two girls stalks from that malunggay tree they had felled from their own backyard. He just called two girls running by and said to bring the leafy greens to their moms, "So you can have a healthy broth tonight." What do you get from that? Lovely, right?

JAMantic of the Day:
You pointed your mouth and said "teet" to remind me that I needed to apply Solcosaryl on your gums. That's helpful, thanks! ;)

Your MAYmah,


  1. hi there! add kita sa x-links ko ha =)

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