Friday, October 15, 2010

DAY 287: September 24th, 2010; FRIDAY

Dear Jam,

You pulled a shocker on me early this morning. When Daddy, you and I were watching TV after breakfast, you threw yourself in front of me, tumbling head-first and then rolling on your back with sheer ecstatic giggling. It's appalling that you could have broken a limb, worse, your neck! Thankfully, Daddy was cool about it to becalm me saying that at your age now, it's just about time for wild child moments. By that, he means you will be even more mobile and restless. Thank God for MONSTERS Inc., a helpful diversion for your attention! Actually, I think you're taking a liking to it. I'd know as signs would show that (a) you're behaving with
eyes fixed on the TV while the movie is playing, (b) you do that cute wriggly dance when there's music and (c) you're picking up quickly after words and ideas from the movie. Like saying "titty" for "kitty", the term of endearment by the child for that woolly blue monster Sully. You also said something that sounded like "puyayee yayay" when the little girl scarpered crying in the corner when she saw Sully's scare demonstration. I don't blame you, even Daddy and I are quite taken by it; the storyline is appreciable and warm, the colors are vivid but friendly to the eyes and the little girl is such a darling - I fancy the thought that you were her. HAHA! Anyway, it's Daddy's way of resting. He's having bad colds today and "the" terrible headache. I know it's that bad because he had tied a shirt around his head tightly. You thought he was playing when he wore it like a turban that you demanded we put one around yours, too. I bet you in a couple of days, the sneezing will turn into a cough of something else; it's the influenza season so I'm not surprised. I just hope you wouldn't get the virus. But I am suspicious that you might because your appetite isn't so good, you wouldn't even take as much milk as you are oft wont to. It's that or teething. But then even as maybe the case, you delighted in Mommy's concoction; Green Indian Mangoes bathed in a sweet infusion of sugar and soy sauce. It's something from childhood that I've always loved.

Well, today is the first day of
Novena; for the Devotion of Our Lady of Manaoag. It's been a yearly thing since I participated in it last 2008. Last year, you and Ate Jocel were there. But this year, I'm going alone as Daddy sees it unfit to have you screaming anywhere near the solemnities. Mamilou and Nahnang came by the cafe to fetch me and moreover, see you. It's where we all found out that you've started associating Mamilou to "Wowa". Funny how that's a term of endearment of a girl in the Filipino soap "Agua Bendita" to her grandmother. It's been a hit recently, how timing you are!

JAMantic of the Day:
1. So you said to the noisy dog barking outside our window "Shoo! Shoo! Hawa! Hawa!" HAHA! Talk about driving a dog away! ;)

2. Your demands are clearer now especially that words are easier for you to say like "Mama, abol" to ask for a blanket in the cold night. abol = habol.

Your MAYmah,

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