Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

October 5, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I think I hesitated a couple more occasions than was necessary for me to write in your diary. What gave? Daddy just called up and though I was excited to write, I had to rush to your side because you woke up to find that I wasn't beside you. It's not that I'm not happy being with, in fact I'm too happy being with you I can't wait to write about it to you, then to other people via Yahoo!, Friendster, Facebook, etc. etc. I have to post your pictures and then send it to Auntie Chinga. (Auntielou Ching to you) via e-mail.

Well, this will be a 5-day worth of progress report! :D
But first, I will continue from where I stopped and that would be the evening of the 30th because the last entry was written in the morning. This is where your second milk tooth popped out and you were so eager to use it on the food in Kagay-anon where we had dinner after the Novena. But the 30th also marks the first of your first to ride in a grocery cart. There's that bin near the handle where children and other valuables can be placed. You so enjoyed it, you can't help but kick your feet in joy!

Nothing much happened, if there was, I wasn't at home because I had to file my TESDA certification and I had to check my mails; sadly, Daddy hasn't replied to my e-mails yet. He's busy, I understand. But what's important is that I found out about Tita Wyna's condition during the ONDOY tragedy; they too were victims of the storm's rage. Take note, it's not even a typhoon but it claimed thousands of lives and brought houses down. Even until today some portion of Metro Manila are still either under water or under mud - worse, garbage!

After ONDOY comes PEPENG, the typhoon which passed us by for a meager 20 minutes; the winds (strong winds, I tell you) brought a thick fog and heavy rainfall with it. I was scared we'd meet an accident on our way to Limketkai for the 2nd to the last day of our Novena to Our Lady of Manaoag. But before we could leave Claro M. Recto Avenue, the weather subdued. The Novena resumed with more audience than the first six days and a warming dinner followed in Green Haven where we also had dinner the previous night.

There's this woman behind us in the choir who finally braved up on the 2nd to approach you. It was now on the 3rd she became even braver enough to carry you! Again! Another one on the "doter" list; and she especially has more reasons as we later on found out that her husband was also a seafarer working for Magsaysay's MASTERBULK - just like Daddy right? And she said she was so inspired with the both of us as she saw us from day 1, dressing alike, like-mother-like-daughter, she said. She also happens to be without a child; she said she had a miscarriage on the second month of her pregnancy. I also shared to her how I almost lost you but that God didn't permit that. She was touched with our story that she decided she'd give you something, I thought she was joking until...

The woman (whose name we shall keep confidential) an accident Godmother, brings and effort of what was supposed to look like a stuffed doll of DORA The Explorer and that's according to her. She said she couldn't find anything that looked exactly like DORA so there's the effort anyway. It's too soon to be having this kind of admiration from strangers; first, Kuya Fred of Limketkai Events? Then Alfonso Goking? Mrs. Limketkai herself? Then this woman who was only a stranger but is now a fan of yours. Should I sense something strange? I hope it isn't too good to be true. Well, actually we are blessed because the Lord prepares for us a sumptuous banquet in Gloria Maris where priests, Limketkai Administration and Crew, seminarians from San Jose de Mindanao, lay minsiters and us alike gather to partake on the blessing. And we got a little gift (Mamilou, Ningang, and I) monetary (to say the least) to compliment for our unfailing service during the Novena. Of course, I finally bought that golden wedge from SPRUCE I've been eying for a month.

Then today - even more blessing especially with your progress because you've attempted to stand up by yourself. Yes, it's just your instinct. You crawl up to me and though I'm holding you, you push my hands away and then stand by yourself. 1...2...3...then land softy on your butt. You get so overjoyed when you do it. Then earlier I was watching G.I. Joe with you; the film adaptation after the cartoon. I said "Look! That's a handsome guy!" when I saw Channing Tatum but you shook your head so I corrected myself "Of course, Daddy is even more handsome." Then that's when you started shrieking to agree. Your responses and responsiveness are progressing. Even before you had to sleep, Mamilou had to use the PC and that though you were so drowsy, you turn your back on me and wouldn't breastfeed, it seemed you were so angry because I wouldn't drive Mamilou away. when I asked you if it was the PC lighting that was glaring at your eyes, you replied with your certain "Uhumm". Mamilou just had to exit so you can sleep and it wasn't until then that you easily dosed off. Sweet!

Love, Mamimeow

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