Thursday, October 28, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

October 20, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I'm so sorry - I really just forgot! It's that simple! These past couple of days, I've just been overwhelmed with blow by blow surprises by from God - it's like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get.

Se we did swap Carmen Sundays with our free Saturday because your Ninang Nat and Char came by for a Sunday-off; we had KFC and Goldilock, which they bought and then more moments of cuddling and Tokio Hotel until it was already 7 PM. We did nothing much but speak about High school, take pictures and left ourselves to be fascinated by you. You were especially all over Ninang Nat when she was on the phone with her boyfriend Tito Tata. On Saturday, we had the Measles shot, which to everyone's great shock, the doctor's and his assistant's, you neither whimpered nor moaned as the needle when thru. Even as they pulled it out, you could only smile at them. Tito Doc said how he wished all of his clients were like that - strong! After that, we bought your new vitamins as prescribed and then went to Carmen with you, asleep in my arms.

What's most surprising came in Monday. We went to Carmen again because Papalo asked if you could visit since they've closed off in Lapasan due to Semestral Break, so we went with you bathed with tons of new toys. One was a Sesame Street toy, which mimicked or recorded voices, it played back the voice automatically and danced as it did so. You were so curious and fascinated with how it was capable of movement and sound. They also bought you this Halloween Jack-in-a-box, which had a nasty cackle and face, like a squashed up pumpkin face. But the real surprise was when we got back to Kauswagan. Your Tito Raf was there! Imagine the rate of my heart running with the feeling of pleasant shock. I was suddenly flooded with questions for the both of us but I let God guide me; he was sleeping on the bed when we arrived, I put you on top of him and we both gave him a kiss. We warmed up and exchanged apologies.

Today is also one of the best! Your twin cousins Ate Farhannah and Farhannie came by for our photo opportunity and surprisingly, your Tito Raf joined in, too. It was a day of bonding for the zwillings and a heart-to-heart for me and your Tito. He's found peace in the Lord and I am glad that God has answered teh secret desire of my heart to reconcile with him.

Love, Mamimeow

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