Thursday, October 21, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

October 11, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

You've just been throwing tantrums whenever possible, especially when you're in someone else's arms and not mine. It's the "Razeola infantum", Measles-like rash that gets babies around six to eighteen months. That means, you're not excused. Ninang Jai had it, too, on top of her allergies on her seventh month, hers was worse. But be that as it may or not, we still had to go through the expected 4-day long fever.

Tito Doc says it's all subduing, getting better because the rashes have up and come, you're just one poor sight with the tiny red-and-pinkish pock marks on your little face. But we gave you a treat after that follow-up appointment with your Pediatrician; we went to Jollibee, Ninang, Mamilou, you and I, to celebrate your ninth monthsary even on a budget of a meager Php300. And you got your first Kiddie Meal that had a toy stamper. I think your appetite is getting well back on because you didn't want us to stop from feeding you spaghetti and fries. And you love your water again!

Owing to my mania of anything that is gold-colored, I bought you a new pair of Sunday pumps so you and I could match shoes. Besides, it was only Php197, that costs less than most of the shoes in your collection! Though we're on a tight budget, I managed to squeeze in stuff for you, which Daddy won't complain buying had he been in my position.

Speaking of Daddy, I just read his e-mail that says they're on their way to Italy. *tsk* So that could only mean, out of coverage, he didn't receive all the text messages I sent him about your little emergencies. *sigh* Anyway, I told him how you gained, lost most, and gained a bit of your weight back. In your eighth month, you were 8.3 kilos and today you dropped a hefty bit of 0.2 kilos due to loss of appetite. And that should have been enough to fill your arms and legs! I bet Mamala saw that too because we dropped by Carmen before proceeding to SM. I dropped my camera by so that Ninong Van can use it for his pageant in the evening. I hope he wins! We'll be back to visit tomorrow if you get any better. We'll offer that thought to God.

Right now, you're flanked on my left shoulder while I am writing because you wouldn't want me to put you down.

Your "mama", "mimi", "baba" (Ivatan; to carry, be carried) , and "papa" are more pronounced now and you use all of them to get my attention.

You just dropped all fours on this journal and I guess that sign enough for me to stop.

Love, Mamimeow

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