Thursday, October 14, 2010

Before Being: September 22, 2008

TO: The ANGEL in my Womb

We had our postponed appointment with our doctor today.
I was really scared with what she said;
If I don't take the OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) anytime soon, we won't be able to determine if I have a pregnancy-induced diabetes. I really didn't entertain that idea until lately. I think I was just taking in too much sugar for a pregnant woman. But she said that the test needed to be taken sooner so I can be referred to an OB Diabetician (if there's such) lest it has an adverse effect on YOU, my baby. It's either "macronesia" an over-sizing of your fetal body or worse, STILL BIRTH! The former, I can prepare for but the latter puts me in total distress. So I have to take the test as soon as Tito Macky's payment comes in. The test and every other thing else will cost your Daddy and I, a leg and an arm.

I hope that my thoughts didn't affect you for when I went through with the doppler, your heartbeat wasn't as steady as the last time we checked; 158 bpm went from 141 near 151-156 bpm. Not that I say it isn't normal and it's a reason to be upset, I just want to see steady numbers. I hope this isn't pre-partum distress. I hope we're both okay.

Your Daddy will call later in the morning and I'm looking forward to hear from him. He's been busy lately, I hope they're not stressing him so much. I'm hoping he'd have more muscles to carry you at least from the last time he came home.

FROM: Your Mommy-in-Waiting

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