Thursday, October 14, 2010

DAY 288: September 23rd, 2010; THURSDAY

Dear Jam,

You've just been talkative today! Not only that, you've been keen on following instructions and obedient at that! You've just been learning a lot with Daddy. Adding to your hand gestures of animals, you now have the sign for "fish". Putting your hands together and then with your fingers away from body, you wriggled the clapped hands forward, just like a fish. Yes, you learned that from Daddy. That and how you should wipe your wet feet on a rug. You spilled water on the floor early at breakfast. Daddy gave you a towel to wipe your feet on and when he said you should wipe off the wet area, you followed without fuss. Also, you learned how to shake hands from him. :D The two of you are just adorable that with this playfulness going on, you hit each other's faces, your forehead, his cheekbone. HAHA! You didn't cry, that's the surprise because it was Daddy bemoaning the pain! HEHEH!

When Daddy and I were busier with the TV and you left alone to your toys, you spoke to your toys. You were talking to your big stuffed animals, Georgio and Pig. Wonderfully, your "Dodo" for Georgio has progressed to "Jojo" and with that, you called after them "Hud Pid. Hud Jojo." Of course this meant that you wanted to hug them and this did so after telling them. Bemused, Daddy and I watched you silently. You employed the "apit" or "almost" word when you "almost"
fell off them as you rode the two like horsies.

The day wouldn't go by without your TV time though. You were like an adult telling me "Mama nah, tsk!" when your DVD ended. It could only mean you were expressing as a Visayan would verbally do a slap-on-the-forehead. That was also cue for me to restart the DVD. HAHA! Smart, you are!

By the way, you hate sweet potato. You just spew it like it was a disgusting sort of mash from your mouth. This explains for the ugly picture of you here. And another picture shows that today you learned how to watch TV while crossing your legs.

JAMantic of the Day:
Here are your repeat after me versions. "Meemee" for "excuse me", "abay" for "away" or fight, and "bike" for..."bike" exactly!

Your MAYmah,

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