Thursday, October 21, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

October 12, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

You're sleeping even more soundly now; the AC has been nonstop since we arrived from Carmen last night. Your Razeola rashes have gone down to your lower extremities and aren't as threatening as they looked like yesterday when we were in the church; sleep was hard to get by and you were often cranky and didn't want to hold you but me. Partly, I like the feeling if your dependency but felt later on felt bad for Mamala and Mamilou who all wanted to comfort you whenever you were crying.

We developed your photos yesterday for Daddy and right now I'm still trying to figure out what to write at the back of them for description. Ninang Charissa and Nathalie are coming this Sunday that is why we are going to move our Carmen visit to a Saturday. But I do smell a connivance as I have the feeling that Ninang Majal "may" come over too as her photos in Friendster speak of her visit in Mindanao. I don't know but we'll see. Hmm...what to prepare now? I'm so excited they'll be seeing you!

Love, Mamimeow

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