Monday, October 18, 2010

DAY 279: October 2nd, 2010; SATURDAY

Dear Jam,

This girl right beside me, walked up to me after today's EIGHT O'CLOCK and ABS-CBN stint. I hadn't thought anyone to be paying me attention as they were eager to hover at my co-hosts. So this girl with her open notebook and pen said "Can I have your autograph?" I couldn't explain how I felt with her offer, of course, I signed her notebook with a note to tell her to grow up and be a good girl. In return, I asked

her to have a picture taken with me so that I could have a proof for you and for myself that when you touch people's hearts, tickle their funny bones and move them, they will never forget you. And I had thought after a couple of years being estranged to TV media that I had been forgotten. Well, I haven't and that's comfort food for my soul and guts. So yes, we had the event so luckily nearby the cafe but I had to rush from the stint venue to Limketkai for the last day of the Novena to Our Lady of Manaoag.

You were so happy when I got back because with me, I brought Mamilou's gift of new shoes she and Nahnang bought last night at Night Market. She said they braved the drizzle just to buy you a new pair. You loved it that even as I pulled it out of my bag, obscured by the plastic it was wrapped with you were already crying, "Mama shyoosh!" You wore it with delight! I can just guarantee that you get this shoeholic trait from me, Mamilou and Nahnang. You loved it so much that you wore it on your feet until we got home and to test it, you asked to go with me downstairs, to the cafe where I covered for the last few hours. There, you loved sitting on my lap, drawing doodles - with the shoes on! ;)

COFFEETABLE TALK with Mommy and Daddy:
Daddy and I have similar sentiments towards these kids around the neighborhood at the cafe. They're about five years old to elementary age and after school they'd be coming in the cafe just to hang out. Personally, for us, there is nothing wrong as long as they've done the chores, studied, cleaned up or eaten. And if that is not possible that they could at least be courteous and obedient. Sometimes, they just don't come in to watch the customers play, they'd do cartwheels, run around and throw objects in the air, which we have advised them against for fear that they might hit the computers. But no, not only would they not listen when told properly, they'd play with the door handle or worse, pelt stones on the glass door or panel. Now they aren't permitted inside as much but they still keep at it. Daddy said earlier today, he almost hit a nuisance of a boy who does everything aforementioned but he restrained himself because he thought that it wasn't for him to discipline the kid but his parents' responsibility. I have never seen him so firm with kids, I just find it so admirable (sexy actually) to know that he still has his values in tact. We are also mutually annoyed by these kids who curse - they don't even know what these words mean or how they sound to people who really know what to mean it. They're just rowdy, the lot of them! *sigh* It scares me a bit that you might be seeing this type of childhood when you grow up.

JAMantic of the Day:
When we got home, Nohnong heard the proof that was your intelligence and of mine which is memory gap! Hahah! So I was singing your favorite CUBEEZ opening song because it made you do that cute wriggling dance that we all love to watch. We were sitting beside Nohnong while he was driving and he heard me stop in the middle of the song "My name is BOZZ and I like each day because I can Cubeedoobeedooit! My name is TIZZY and I love it when I'm busy, I am Cubeedoobeedoobeedooing it too!..." I was lost and told you "What's next gani? Nah, I forgot what's next." then he heard you say "Dink!" I asked you if you really said Dink, it was Nohnong who agreed and said "Is that what's supposed to be next?" I said yes, sang the next part of the song "My name is DINK, at least I thought I think..."and commended you for being a help. Nohnong was laughing at how smart you are!

Your MAYmah,

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