Sunday, October 17, 2010

Before Being: September 29, 2008

TO: The ANGEL in my Womb

Auntie Menchu was here. It was good to see her and what good news indeed that she brought with her. She had warned me not to forgo under the care and advise of our present OB/GYN as is notorious for her negative characteristics. What that is may be far beyond comprehension in the field of medicine and patient-physician relationship. Meaning the confidentiality that is precious to us, may be at stake. You Mamilou and Auntie Menchu discussed their experience in giving birth, exchanging a great deal of terms in "labor" and pregnancy which I can now hardly relate to; the nurse in me has long departed. But perhaps, soon as we near our EDC, we too, will speak the same alien language they used earlier at dinner.

I've bought this intriguing medical thriller and it uses the same terminologies as your Mamilou and Auntie Menchu so eloquently employed. The story is about three women who had a complication prior to delivery, common among the three of them in fact. However, pregnant, I find it difficult to proceed with my reading without flinching at my own qualms as the tangibility of the story overwhelms me with paranoid thoughts. I pray this doesn't affect us anyway at all - be strong there and take whatever vitamins and minerals you need from me. God be with us!

FROM: Your Mommy-in-Waiting

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