Monday, October 4, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

September 7, 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

You've just turned eight months and we've just gotten home from a visit to Carmen.

There's just a lot to report because I've been sleeping early a lot and that's so for your sleeping pattern has changed again. I think I'm also a big contributing factor to that because I noticed, if I stay in bed (rather than stay up and do something else) you sleep so soundly. I think you're a little bit more sensitive of my presence.

So on with the reporting.

On the 5th, we went to Carmen. It was a Saturday and my reason for rearranging our scheduled visits is due to my Sunday meeting with my group in Massage Class. It was also on the 5th that I noted your progress in motor skills when you stood up by yourself as you held on to the wall as if with an invisible adhesive. But I had to uproot you because the paint was peeling off and I'm cautious about you ingesting any of the shavings (or debris). We went to Carmen to show off your new 'do, I left you there for a couple of hours to check your Daddy's remittance, only to find out it hasn't arrived yet so I stayed out longer than expected because I had to e-mail Daddy about it. And then of course check my FB, upload pix in Multiply and check whatever). I got back to you to tell your Mamala that we couldn't buy your diapers.

On Sunday, my visitors came despite a heavy pour but because of this, your Mamala and Papalo were'nt able to fetch you; they were supposed to borrow you for the day while I had the meeting and pre-exam practice. Anyway, so that's the reason why we visited today, to make up for the missed day. Our visit produced an endowment of a 52-pc pack of diaper. That's how they love you sweetie! They also bought fresh batteries for your walker so it can play music again. Mamala even said she'll buy that rattan high chair she haggled for Php800 from Php 1,200 original price. Wow! It's a nice thought but I don't want them thinking that I'm not taking any responsibilities.

Love, Mamimeow

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