Monday, October 4, 2010

Milestone Memoir 2009

Dear Baby Kitten,

I'm so nervous (and at the same time excited) or my exams tomorrow - that's practical exam by the way. It's actually 2AM of 090909 - ooh! That's a triple nine! Today should be my lucky day because nine is my lucky number! Nah! I just hope God guides me in my exam, I started studying late because I always seem to hav a reason to put it off like watching you - and watching "UP" (that heartwarming 3D animated film). And I've also been putting it off because I though I lost the touch but after I memorized the 5 strokes of Swedish Massage (with all the purposes, benefits and contraindications) I said to myself that yes, I still have it! ;)

Today as you took a bath, you discovered the use of "tabo" or "ka-boh"; how you can catch water with it, how you can tip it over a part of your body to wash yourself. You even held it by the handle; another advancement since you discovered how to switch a light off and on two weeks ago.

Love, Mamimeow

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